As he stood there humming to himself the bedroom door opened and in walked his sister wearing a matching pink bra and pink thong panty. Warren nearly fainted but to his surprise his sister didn't seem in the least bit annoyed or even surprised to find him standing there in her frillies.
"Hi Warren," she said. "I just got out the shower and I am getting ready to go out. Those look cute on you."
Warren didn't know what to say.
"Aren't you annoyed?" he asked turning bright red.
"Not really," Janice said giving him a hug. "Most of the girls on the dance team say that their brothers are can't resist wearing their things so I assumed you were too. I skipped dance practice today because the other girls said that was when you most likely to raid my panty drawer. And they were right"
"So you don't mind?" Warren asked in disbelief.
"I think it's very cute that you are such a girly-boy. I've always wanted a sister and now I have one," Janice said picking up the brush and brushing her hair. "We'll have lots of fun together sis."
"Oh thank you Janice, you're the best," squealed Warren.
"Mind you," Janice said giving him a cheeky slap on the behind with the brush, "I'd prefer is you as before wearing my underwear from now on. I don't want you wearing some of my favorites just when I want to use them."

Agreed, a very nice fantasy!
I want to wear girly clothes too
wish I had a sister like her
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