TG Captions Pages

Friday, June 17, 2011

Forced feminized and awaiting his fate.

Forced feminized by the girls
Forced feminized by the girls
It had all happened so fast. The girls had overpowered him by weight of numbers, removed his clothes, shaved his body, applied make-up and then dressed him in pink lingerie and a wig.
Then they tossed him onto the bed. Peter was terrified and humiliated but he dared not move as the girls decided what to do with him next.


Anonymous said...

Poor little sissy

Anonymous said...

I wish that would happen to me...

Anonymous said...

it has happened to me. best day ever. but so frightening :)

Anonymous said...

Perfectly gorgeous lingerie.

Jesse Bourassa said...

I want that 2 happen 2 me. does anyone want 2?