Timothy made the most of the unwanted attention
Timothy knew he was being watched. He could see the shape of the watcher in the shadows across the street. He smiled to himself. It had been a good evening, but it was just about to get even better. He positioned himself in front of the window and began to get undress.
Timothy had spent the evening at home en femme. He knew he looked good, very good even. With his careful make up , long wig tied in a ponytail, and killer legs he had never been read and he enjoyed every moment as he swished around his apartment in a nice top and a mid-thigh length skirt with heels.
Then he noticed someone watching him from across the street. The girls in the neighborhood had been complaining of a stranger trying to watch them at night and now Timothy realized it was his turn.
Slowly he undid his skirt and let it fall to the floor. His white top barely covered his tummy and knew that he looked good in the bikini panties he was wearing. He teased his way around the room and out of the corner of his eye he saw the shape in the shadows move to try and get a better look. Timothy chuckled and pulled his top over his head turning his body with perfect timing so that he had his back to the window. From behind, no one would know he wasn't the beautiful young woman he appeared to be.
He danced a little to music coming from the cd player, swinging his hips to the beat of Shania Twain's 'Feel like a woman'...
Hi, I am new here and haven't even started my blog yet. but I just want you to know that I love this story. I can only imagine how wonderful Timothy felt prancing around while the stranger watched in his sexy lingerie. Very cute and sexy.