They both had a good laugh at the way Martin looked clad only in a delicate feminine undergarment and Martin even seemed reluctant to take them off he was having such a good time. A week later Martin invited Caroline to come over for a 'surprise'. When she arrive she found Martin completely feminized with shaved legs, heels, miniskirt, and make up.
"What on earth are you doing?" Caroline asked.
"We had so much fun when I wore your panties I thought I'd try going the whole way," Martin said in a high-pitched girly voice as he wiggled his bottom. "Do you like?"
"You look very, er, good, but you seem to be enjoying this a bit too much," Caroline said. "And stop talking like you sound like an eight-year-old."
"That's because I'm a girly-girl," Martin said and he sashayed across the room to check his make-up in the mirror. "Let's go shopping."
Caroline rolled her eyes.
"This is going to far," she said, "I'm not going out in public with you dressed like that."
But when Martin looked like he might burst into tears Caroline gave up and accepted that her boyfriend had been bitten by the girly bug and now there was no going back.
"That's the last time I let a boyfriend wear my panties," she thought as she watched Martin squeal when she agreed to at least go back to her place so he could try on some of her clothes.
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