TG Captions Pages

Monday, January 16, 2012

Overdoing it

Titillating TG Captions
Alan was unhappy with his new body
Michelle looked down at her boyfriend Alan as he sat on the couch.
"Oops," she said but she couldn't quite stifle a chuckle.
She had just tried a feminizing spell on Alan that she wanted to test. Alan hadn't been too keen on the idea but Michelle assured him it would be painless and reversible. She even promised to take him out shopping as a girl if he wanted. However, the spell worked far better than she expected. She had expected the spell to smooth Alan's features and give him a slightly more feminine look but instead it turned him into a sexy brunette with the largest chest Michelle had ever seen on a girl.
"What have you done to me!" wailed Alan. "Change me back."
"Ahh, er, oh dear," Michelle said as she leafed through the spell book. "Oh, that's not right."
"What's going on? You said it would be a subtle change."
"Yes, I know, I think I used the wrong spell. It's your fault because you kept complaining beforehand and distracting me. I used the full-power feminizing spell."
"You did what! Change me back right now!"
"Well, er, that's the problem. I don't think I can. That's why I wanted to use the simple spell. This one lasts a bit longer. That's why the results were so, well, larger than life."
She quickly found him a floral bra and panties to wear and even lent him some stockings and heels for good measure. The panties fit fine but the bra was clearly inadequate. 
Alan looked down at the large round protrusions on his chest in horror. They were straining at the bra and threatened to burst out at any moment.
"I can't go out like this. They look ridiculous."
Michelle had to admit to herself that Alan's body was bound to draw a lot of attention but she decided not to tell him that.
"Don't be so silly, they look fine. I'll give you a top and we can go out and buy you a bigger bra."
 Her expectations proved to be accurate. Everywhere they went Alan was the focus of unwanted attention but no matter how much he tried to slouch he couldn't hide his chest.
"You'll get used to it," Michelle comforted him, "lot of girls do..."


  1. I think this is one of your best. I love the look on the girls face. Like she is enjoying it more than she is letting on. What is the name of that spell book. lol

  2. i wish a could have a boby like that

  3. i agree the look is priceless only if we could all have a chance to be her.


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