TG Captions Pages

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Learning from the experts

Learning to be a woman
John watched and learned
As  John sat on the park bench enjoying the sun he tried to read his book  but his mind was still on the future. He had finally made the decision  to dress full time as a woman and live as a girl but he knew there was  still so much he needed to learn. He could pass in public, and was even  now dressed in a skirt and blouse and had not drawn even a second glance  from anyone. But he knew there was still much about being a woman, the  small touches that he needed to work on. As he was thinking about things  a pretty young woman came along and sat on the bench beside him.
She  was just the kind of woman that he wanted to become. The woman bent over  and began to adjust the strap of her heeled sandals and John watched  carefully, observing the delicate way her fingers worked, the softness  of each movement.
"One day I'll be you" he  promised himself as the woman finished adjusting her shoe and walked  off. "One day I'll be just like you.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true to life, and a good story line which suits the picture so well.


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